Multidisciplinary art project explores raw perceptions of Indigenous and Immigrant communities

ImagiNation Miscellany is bringing back their exhibit called “What Have You Heard About Us?” due to strong feedback at the Canada 150 Project presented at last year’s Work Art & Design Festival.

Last year there were six-story circles held across Edmonton. They heard a lot of recurring themes from first and second generation immigrants: feeling like outsiders, and reflecting on a sense of ‘The Other’ says Kristina de Guzman, one of the project leads.

“We were surprised to hear that folks didn’t always take offense to the stereotypes about them - there are a lot of variables, including their immigration status, which changes their perceptions of stereotypes,” she said.

While there is a strong push for Truth and Reconciliation and for political correctness, there isn’t feedback from what the average person thinks, notes Fren Mah, the other project lead curator.

“Edmonton is a city of immigrants old and new. That’s why we created this project - to reflect what we heard in the story circles back into the communities where they originated, such as Mill Woods.”

This installation is a reproduction of an entire apartment which consolidates multiple art forms, including a short film featuring sock puppet theatre, community collages, paintings, sculpture and more.

Panel discussions and art workshops with some of the project’s arts and storytellers will take place on August 25 at Millbourne and September 15 at Kingsway; from 1:00 PM to 3:30 PM both days.

“Stereotypes are things some of us face on a regular basis; they may not be obviously hurtful or noticeable, but they still impact all of us,” said de Guzman

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