My Work My Education: Teresa Au-Yeung

Teresa Au-Yeung, CMA
Treasury Analyst
CHC Helicopter


Hours worked per week: 40 hours or more, depends on workload.

Years at this position:
2 years

Can you describe your role?
In my role I deal with cash management and cash flow forecasting, as I help facilitate external and intercompany payments and settlements. I also do the valuations for the company’s derivatives and I’m responsible for other treasury services that relate to foreign exchange rates.

What is the best part of your job?
This is my first job since graduating from UBC and it’s been a great opportunity – I’ve got interesting work and I’m lucky to be mentored  from many  intelligent, professional and kind people at CHC Helicopter.

What are some of the challenges you’re currently facing at work?
As a junior team member I often have to ask myself how I can make a bigger impact and add value to my everyday work. I’m also learning how and when to delegate work to more senior members of my team.


Degree(s) & Institution: Bachelor of Commerce, specializing in accounting at the University of British Columbia and a Certified Management Accountant (CMA) designation. I am also currently working on my Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) designation.

Why did you choose to pursue a CMA?
While gaining skills in financial analysis was a priority, I was also looking for a program that develops your “soft” skills such as leadership, management, and strategy. The CMA Program and the two year CMA Strategic Leadership Program provides all that and more. I really appreciated that while the program was heavy in financial analysis and case studies, it also emphasized real life business considerations and problems such as implementation and resource management.
The CMA program encourages its candidates to think about the big picture, an invaluable skill for any professional.

When did you complete your CMA program?
Fall 2010


Favorite recreational activity: Not necessarily in this order, but watching the Food Network, buying kitchen equipment, sometimes cooking, sleeping and relaxing with friends!

Upcoming vacation plans: I just went on vacation last November and December, so I don’t have any immediate travel plans. Any free time I have will be devoted to studying for the upcoming CFA level one exam!

Community involvement: I’ve volunteered for the British Columbia Persons with AIDS Society in the past. This year I am hoping to become more involved with the SPCA.


In five years, I see myself (both professionally and personally):
I see myself continuing to learn regardless of the position/field/industry I will be in.  I also hope to gain experience in all aspects of a business and to move to a more senior position with my current employer.


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