My Work My Education: Rolando Ching Navarro

Rolando Ching Navarro, CMA


Hours worked per week: 40 hours

Years at this position: Three years as Controller but I’ve worked for Kwantlen for the past 14 years in a variety of capacities such as
Accounting Staff, Business Administrator and
Financial Administrator.

What is the best part of your job?
My job always challenges me to keep up to date with the latest developments in accounting, tax and payroll legislation, HR administration, and information technology as these variables affect the Association’s business operating systems.
Lifelong learning and the opportunity to inspire future accounting professionals balance out the hours and tight deadlines I face in my role.

What are some of the challenges you’re currently facing at work?
As a non-profit, and student-based organization, financial resources are limited, particularly during these times of economic uncertainty.  Resource allocation and risk management are constant challenges. As a professional accountant I’m asked by the senior management team to evaluate how our organization can perform better and how we can add real value to all of our activities.

How is this position different from other jobs you’ve had?
My current role is not radically different from my past jobs, as I’m still within an academic institution; however, in the past I did more teaching and research.


Degree(s) & Institution: I recently obtained a professional accounting designation, and am now a Certified Management Accountant (CMA). I also have a Diploma in Accounting (With Distinction) from Kwantlen Polytechnic University, a Master of Arts in Demography and a Graduate Diploma in Economics of Development, both from the Australian National University in Canberra, as well as a Bachelor of Science in Business Economics from the University of the Philippines in Diliman, Quezon City.

Why did you choose to pursue a CMA?
I wanted to gain a fresh and dynamic perspective and learn new ways of thinking and dealing with work challenges. The CMA gives me a stronger background in strategic management, and as a Controller, this knowledge is crucial in sustaining an organization’s growth and its capability to fully serve the needs of its stakeholders.

When did you complete your CMA program?
I graduated with the CMA designation in
November 2010.


Favourite recreational activity: Exploring different cultures and learning languages - Spanish, French, Mandarin,
Hokkien Chinese - and travelling.

Upcoming vacation plans: From visiting family back in the Philippines, to exploring Shanghai and Beijing, and negotiating the cobbled streets of Havana, Cuba, and riding a camel somewhere in Northern Africa; perhaps, also Algeria or Morocco? I have more than five weeks of vacation coming up so I should have ample time to do some globe-trotting!


In five years, I see myself (both professionally and personally): Going back into teaching - I miss the classroom and interacting with students who have inquisitive minds. I’d like to balance teaching with administering academic programs.


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