Making Work Safe: Sat Combow

Sat Combow
Occupational Safety Officer

Languages spoken: English, Punjabi
Years with WorkSafeBC: 5 years
Background: I have 12 years experience in the sawmill industry and 6 in manufacturing as a safety and human resources manager. I have diplomas in Occupational Health & Safety and Business Management (Finance). I’m also a Canadian Registered Safety Professional.

What does a WorkSafeBC officer do?
We visit workplaces to ensure worker safety and compliance with B.C.’s health and safety laws.
We provide advice and safety information to employers and workers, and point out where improvements can be made. We inspect workplaces, often in response to reports of safety violations, worker injuries or a near-miss incident that could have been serious.

Are there certain workplaces you visit?
WorkSafeBC officers can go to any workplace, but we also specialize. A lot of my work is with employers and workers in residential construction and sawmills in the Surrey-Langley region.

What do you like about your work?
I know the work that I do and my fellow officers do, is making a difference. Dealing with people, hearing their concerns, educating and encouraging them to work safer, then seeing their safety culture change is very rewarding.
Recently, my partner and I conducted safety training for a number of Indo-Canadian home builders ― in English and Punjabi. We have had positive feedback.

What should workers new to B.C. know about WorkSafeBC?
Know that your safety at work is not a privilege, it’s a right. You also have the right to ask questions about safety and to refuse to do work that may result in you getting hurt, or worse. You also have a responsibility to comply with workplace safety procedures and policies.

What should employers who are new to BC know about WorkSafeBC?
They need to understand their responsibility to ensure their workplace is healthy and safe for workers. This includes properly supervising and training employees for the work they are being asked to do.

How can people learn more about WorkSafeBC?
Workers and employers can go to to find a lot of useful information and safety videos. We also have information in many languages on the website for those who don’t read or speak English.
To learn more about working safely, go to To talk to someone about health and safety in your workplace, call our Prevention information line: 604 276-3100 or toll-free 1 888 621-7233.

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