Campus Scene: Vanessa Villabroza

Age: 18

Ethnicity: Filipino

Astrological sign: Scorpio

Studying: Marketing Management (Entrepreneurship) at BCIT

Career goals: To achieve a high position in a successful
company or start a business of my own that involves clothing,
music or food

Favourite Asian restaurant/Fav dish: Goldilocks/Sinigang

Name of film star you would love to date: Jake Gyllenhaal

Favourite Vancouver attraction?  PNE

One thing you would love to try in Vancouver: Joining the BC Cancer Foundation’s Walk for Breast Cancer

Do you like dancing? I love dancing, especially ballroom and hip hop. Apart from it being fun and
a good workout, it’s a brilliant form of self expression.

Favourite night spot: Blenz coffee shop

Do you smoke? No, I’ve always hated smoking, especially the fact that it burns your money and makes you uglier and sicker.

Do you drink? No, because fortunately I’m allergic to alcohol.

Dream vacation: A week in Italy to explore their wonderful art, see beaches and look at good looking men

Best gift ever: An acoustic guitar my parents gave me for my graduation

Enjoy working out? I enjoy working out with my uncle who’s a karate instructor. Apart from giving you a good body, it teaches you discipline and proper ways of self defense. Then again, after a heavy workout, a day at the spa would make my day.

Favourite dessert splurge: Loads and loads of ice cream and chocolate

Item can’t leave home without: …telling anyone

Which do you prefer: Beauty salon or at-home pampering? Even if it’s nice to do things yourself, it feels twice as good to have someone else do it.

Ever been in love? Extremely infatuated, but never in-love

Currently in love? Not at the moment…

Best date spot: I’ve never been on a date, but lunch by the beach would be nice.

Community involvement, if any: I’m currently a member of the Pag-ibig sa Diyos Catholic Community. I consider joining this group a turning point in my life for I developed a strong relationship with God which made me a stronger and a more optimistic person.




To be profiled in Campus Scene
[email protected]
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