Acupuncture relieves chronic ailments


In today’s fast paced society, it is easy to let our health slip a little each year.
Creeping increases in weight, poor eating habits and a dipping metabolic rate all eventually combine to reduce overall energy and radiance.
It’s as if our lungs just can never take in enough air.
From the viewpoint of Vancouver based Qi Integrated Health clinic, you don’t need to live with or become accustomed to feeling perpetually fatigued.
A reversal back in the right direction can be facilitated through the clinic’s Lifestyle, Health & Fitness acupuncture treatment - opening blocked energy channels in the body can lead to life changing effects.
The clinic works on a variety of condition such as weight management, eating disorders, addictions & detoxification, chronic fatigue, stress and tension and food sensitivities.
Traditional Chinese medicine focuses on the root of health problems, not on the surface symptoms. Through acupuncture, patients can find radical results without all the side effects associated with rigid diets, drugs or worse invasive surgeries.
The clinic's acupuncture practitioners utilise a holistic view and examine emotional and lifestyle contexts to physical ailments.
This is particularly valuable when it comes to reversing chronic conditions that when left to ‘heal’ on their own, deteriorate further over time. 
Qi Integrated Health is located at 2618 West Broadway in Vancouver.
For more information on Qi Integrated Health, go to
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