My Life My Union: Kiran Kang

Name: Kiran Kang
Occupation: Counsellor
Union: BCGEU
Years in union: 12


Collective agreement make for clear roadmap

Kiran Kang has been a member of the BCGEU for the past 12 years, and she has spent the duration of that time working in the field of community social services. Her profession is to provide counselling and outreach services to women who have experienced domestic violence and/or abuse.
For Kiran, the most challenging part of her job is distancing herself from her clients’ experiences to minimize vicarious traumatization. She says it’s easy to over-identify with the women, and it can be quite difficult for her to separate herself from her work at the end of the day. “Our employer encourages us to maintain a healthy work/life balance,” says Kiran, adding that maintaining a positive outlook is a critical part of avoiding burnout in her job.
Despite the challenges of her line of work, Kiran feels rewarded knowing that she is making a difference in people’s lives. “I enjoy facilitating the process of self-empowerment for women,” says Kiran.
For Kiran, having a collective agreement ensures fairness, equity, and transparency in the workplace, and it also safeguards the rights of the workers. “In a collective agreement everything is in black and white, and it makes it really easy for both the employer and employee to be on the same page. It’s like a roadmap.” Kiran adds that a collective agreement clearly lays out the rules, leaving no questions about what is right or wrong. “Having a collective agreement means there is no room for ambiguity.”
Throughout her career, Kiran has taken advantage of various labour education opportunities, including workshops and courses on: parliamentary procedures and public speaking; bullying and harassment; and labour studies. “Taking these courses has helped me further develop my skills base,” says Kiran. “It’s great that there are so many educational opportunities that the union offers.”
Union membership has also opened up other doors for Kiran. For example, she sits on the BCGEU’s Provincial Women’s Committee where she is able to learn, interact, and present issues that are important to her. “It’s a great forum and platform to do all of that.”
In addition to various committees and educational opportunities, Kiran appreciates the strength in unity that union membership provides. “There is a sense of belonging in a union,” she says. “With a unionized job, you have more security, more stability, and more accountability.”

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