Designer Profile: Jamaree Eiammanassakul

Age: 27
Ethnicity: Thai
Occupation and/or Company: Looking for opportunities
Years of experience: I graduated from The Art Institute of Vancouver in 2014 with a diploma in Fashion Design. I also have one year of Interior Design experience.

Personal & professional philosophy: I do not think I really have one, but I could say that I will do my best for every single thing that has to get done. I care about my works and put a lot of thought in them for the best result. Whenever I feel down or struggle, I will look back to where I started and how much effort I put into it. Therefore I try push myself to achieve the goal.

Upcoming performances/ project: The Art Institutes fashion show in Mercedes- Benz Fashion Week, New York, February 2015; Atelier Fashion Show/ The Art Institute of Vancouver, Vancouver, March 2015

What is the highlight of your work? The simple looks that have a lot of details and techniques involved.

Future goals:  I am looking forward to learning and exploring more about conceptual design, techniques and technology, as well as developing my skills in order to create prominent pieces.

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